Now Available for The Entire U.S. Affordable Expert Remote Computer Mobile Phone and Tablet Tutoring, Support and Repair from A Computer Expert in The United States

Finally available! Remote computer and cell phone lessons and troubleshooting from an actual dual certified teacher turned computer expert. Speed up your slow computer, get computer and cell phone lessons from a professional educator! There's a huge difference between having knowledge and the skill and training to transfer that knowledge to another individual in a positive, fun and efficient manner. You should be able to enjoy your computer AND your computer lessons whether your a small business owner or a senior citizen.

Requirements for Affordable Remote Computer Tablet and Cell Phone Support

Internet access

For remote computer troubleshooting in the U.S. you must

download and install the remote computer software

I tested this on my own computers and Android cell phone first don’t worry it’s safe and secure.

Android phone for remote cell phone help. Any phone that’s not an iPhone or Windows phone.

Android or Windows tablet for remote tablet help or lessons. Any tablet that’s not an iPad. That would require house calls for one on one lessons.

What I Can Help You With Remotely in The Unitied States

  • English only computer tutoring
  • Business software training
  • Device support answering questions and giving guidance.
  • Software based repairs, updates and upgrades
  • Android and Windows tablet troubleshooting and lessons
  • Android cell phone help, tips and lessons
  • Malicious software removal
  • Adware removal
  • Computer virus removal

What Devices Can Receive Remote Computer Support in The United States

  • Windows PCs
  • Apple/Macbook computers
  • Cell phones with the Android operating system (almost all are except iPhones and Windows phones)
  • Tablets with the Android or Windows operating system (almost all are except iPads)

Cost of Low Cost Remote Computer Tablet and Cell Phone Tutoring and Support on Oahu

No brainer cost. I made this easy for everybody. $95.00 prepaid for two hours minimum. I highly recommend every four months having me professionally clean your Windows PC or Apple/MacBook computer.

I charge by 15 minute intervals for prepaid remote computer clients. Any prepaid time is kept conveniently for you as credit so you may have instant access to your computer troubleshooting guy.

“It’s like having insurance for your computer”, Ray Cruz teacher

This is good troubleshooting and training low cost support.

Hours for Low Cost Remote Computer Tablet and Cell Phone Support in The U.S.

Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. HST. These are the same hours for computer tutoring, training, support and repair for in home and onsite appointments here in Honolulu Hawaii or anywhere on Oahu. Send a text to 808.224.1870 text only due to time differences and I'll text back or call you when I'm not with a computer training and repair computer client. Half of my clients are seniors and individuals and the other half are small business owners.

At least one of you are wondering if it costs more to call or text Hawaii. No, Hawaii became part of the Unitied States in 1959. Charges will be the same as texting or calling any other state depending on your cell phone plan.

“Rick Kirkham is one of those rare computer geeks with people skills.” John Bertrand teacher.

To Be Honest…

it’s not always easy to get to my computer clients when they need a house call. If an in home computer client calls at 3 PM from Hawaii Kai with a question or computer or cell phone challenge, it’s a lot easier to see the screen to solve the problem than have my in home computer client try to describe what’s going on. Believe me I know having spent a few years doing that. From there it may be a simple remote computer or cell phone fix.

Because of that experience helping computer clients here on Oahu, solving their problems and making them happy here on Oahu, I've decided to offer my remote computer, cell phone and tablet training, tutoring and troubleshooting service to the entire U.S.. Without even advertising I already have remote computer clients all over the U.S. due to referrals from friends and relatives here on Oahu and Youtube instructional videos.

Who is This Computer Trainer, Tutor and Repair Specialist?

Testimonial for Rick Kirkham by Dr. Andy Shanti

My name is Rick Kirkham. I’ve been in computers since 1993 and have lived here on Oahu in Honolulu Hawaii with my wife and son since 1998. I went to college originally to become a teacher. In 1993 I got my first computer and accidentally fell into my new future career. In 2009 I went for it and went into business full time. With your support and the support of my in home computer clients on Oahu and remote computer clients, I’ll continue to serve the computer and device users of Oahu and the rest of the U.S..

Text or call 224.1870 to schedule an appointment for a house call or onsite office visit on Oahu or for remote computer support questions on Oahu.

Text only 808.224.1870 for the United States for English speaking computer, cell phone and tablet lessons, tutoring, training, troubleshooting, repair and virus removal.

$95.00 Per Hour


Email me, Rick Kirkham

Author: Admin

Dual certified teacher, tutor and computer expert.